понедельник, 13 января 2020 г.


Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: July 22, at October 31, at 1: I'm typing that from memory but im pretty sure thats all i did. Try putting games back onto the card after formatting. Your ideas for new strategies on this area were enlightening and a good help to us. ofw 6.39 psp 3000

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And I cant go to 6.

ofw 6.39 psp 3000

Details surface from Sony about the upcoming PS5 and what this could mean for hackers. Thanks for the guide Time to update all the way, i hate the 3000 boards. Ok, I got the cfw installed and it works, now my only problem is, my son dropped the psp last night and now it not reading any UMD's at all, is the any other way to convert the UMD's to iso.

ofw 6.39 psp 3000

Glad it worked well, as for reading UMD's no. Thats how I have backed up all my games anyway. June 1, at 5: June 29, at June 10, at 6: November 3, at 5: HassenCMar 2, You can pspp power your PSP off and still have of firmware when you power it on again. How To Fix Error MasterChiefJul 18, Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Is this actually the case? Apr 25, Messages: I was not dissatisfied.

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April 7, at 5: There are versions of Pro CFW that will run on older firmwares, but updating to 6. No, create an account now. Email me at Liamhelmsworth gmail. March 1, at You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Your ideas for new strategies on this area were enlightening and a good help to us. Do you already have an account? February 12, at I pp i'll just download the ISO - any recommended sites?

psp which cfw ? | - The Independent Video Game Community

May 31, at All working great here on my PSP Fat too. Try putting games back onto the card after formatting. You can find more about comparability here: It must be in all caps.

Haven't updated my PSP in a while. August 25, at 4: Also I just want to say, this forum is extremely helpful, Thanks.

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